AVG offers members a 30-day money-back guarantee. If you are not satisfied with your VPN and want to cancel AVG VPN within 30 days of purchase, you can cancel. You can get an AVG refund if you buy it through AVG’s official website or through the Google Play Store.
What is AVG antivirus?
AVG technology is one of the most used when it comes to home security. It offers the best protection from malware, spyware, tracking cookies, rootkits, ransomware, and other online threats.
How to cancel a subscription?
If you use AVG VPN free trial, you do not need to fill out a refund form as AVG does not require credit card details for free trial subscriptions. You will need to make a separate refund request to cancel AVG subscription.
- First, you can visit the official AVG website and log in with your credentials.
- Click “Cancel Subscription” under the relevant subscription.
- Now you can select Cancel Subscription from Future Renewals.
- At last, tap on “Confirm” and then click “Acknowledgment.”
How to stop auto-renewal?
One of the features that you get the most is AVG’s auto-renewal service. In this service, you allow AVG to receive money from your account automatically for subscriptions. However, you can turn off or cancel AVG’s auto-renewal service at any time by contacting AVG Antivirus Service or logging into your account.
Some users want to check third-party offerings before renewing their subscription, and some users want to upgrade AVG security. You have all rights to cancel AVG auto renewal before AVG receives funds from your account. If you are charged, you will have the option of receiving a refund from AVG.
What is the refund or cancellation policy?
You can contact AVG within 30 days of purchase for a full refund in case you are not satisfied with their service. The 30-day money-back guarantee only applies to AVG consumer products purchased in one of the following ways:
- Buy online through the AVG Store.
- Buy through Google Play
- Bought through offers within other AVG products.
Please note that AVG typically does not offer refunds for products if it has been more than 30 days from the date of purchase. If you experience any technical issues with your paid AVG product, you can contact AVG Support to deal with them via chat, phone, or email.
How to request a refund?
Suppose you decide to make an AVG refund request through their website. Here are the steps to do.
- You can go to AVG’s website.
- You need to click on home support, Support option in the top right corner.
- Now click Billing and Purchases
- Finally, click on the request for a refund.