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How to cancel a Trend Micro subscription and get a refund?

What is the trend micro antivirus?

Trend Micro has widely known antivirus software. It offers tons of anti-malware apps for different platforms, and two of its products support Chrome OS, which is pretty rare for antivirus software. Trend Micro Antivirus also offers a free version and a 30-day Trend micro money-back guarantee. The software comes with great additional features like ransomware protection and web monitoring. However, the antivirus doesn’t offer identity theft protection, and the VPN is only available on higher-end plans.

 How to cancel the subscription?

Follow the instructions below to cancel trend micro subscription.

How to stop auto-renewal?

What is the refund or cancellation policy?

All Trend Micro Security products come with an unconditional 30-day money-back satisfaction guarantee. You may return these products to Trend Micro for any reason within this time frame and receive a full refund of the purchase price, less shipping and handling fees. 

 How to request a refund?

You can get a refund Trend micro if you send a request to the email address. Go to the official page of the company. Then move to Refunds for recent online purchases and select Refund. Now tap on the product and select the product name. Fill in the reason for the refund and the required details. Finally, enter your order number and submit a request. It takes about six weeks for your refund to be processed.

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