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How to cancel a Skype subscription and get a refund?

Skype is Microsoft’s VoIP solution that allows users to make phone calls. Host or join a video meeting and send and receive instant messages in one-on-one or group chats.

What is Skype?

Millions of individuals and businesses use Skype to make one-on-one and group video and audio calls, send instant messages And share files with others on Skype. You can use Skype with whatever works best for you. Skype is free to download and easy to use, whether on your mobile, computer, or tablet.

 How to cancel the subscription?

You can cancel Skype subscription through the Skype website by opening your account settings. A Skype subscription allows you to call an unlimited number of non-Skype phone numbers by paying a monthly fee instead of individual credit payments.

When you cancel your Skype subscription, you will need to buy credit or another subscription before you can call non-Skype numbers.

How to stop auto-renewal?

What is the refund or cancellation policy?

We are unable to refund you for paid products once used. As determined by Skype’s refund policy, the nature of your Skype number means that you’re using it to receive calls at the time of purchase. Therefore, refunds are not available for Skype Numbers.

 How to request for a refund?

You can follow the below steps to get a skype refund,

The refunds will be made using the same payment method used for the original purchase. Skype cannot complete a refund if the original payment method is no longer available, e.g., your credit card has expired. PayPal is disabled, or in case the payment method does not allow refunds.

If you purchased an app or made an in-app purchase less than 48 hours ago, you can also get the skype refund request through Google Play.

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