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How do I get a refund for my F-Secure product purchase?

F-Secure is an excellent antivirus solution that could have taken over the market if not for its high price and lack of attractive features. When it comes to device protection, F-Secure Anti-Virus provides basic virus protection for Windows 7 and later.

What is F-Secure?

F-Secure offers powerful and well-tested products for computer protection with reduced prices or increased features. F-Secure Antivirus could be a strong contender for the top position in the market. Award-winning Internet security protection you can use it on your computers, smartphones, and tablets to surf the web, do online shopping, and use online banking without worry. It protects you and your devices from malware, hackers, and identity theft.

How to cancel a subscription?

To cancel F-Secure subscription, you can follow the below steps.

This will cancel auto-renewal but your subscription will continue until the end of your current subscription.

How to stop auto-renewal?

To cancel F-Secure auto renewal of your subscription steps are given,

This will cancel the auto-renewal feature. Your F-Secure subscription remains valid and active until your current subscription expires.

What is the refund or cancellation policy?

F- Secure offers a 30-day money-back F-Secure fund policy. In case you are not satisfied with your renewal or purchase of F-Secure services, you can ask for your money back. The most convenient way is to contact customer support for help to get the amount as soon as possible. F- Secure is at the top of all antivirus services. That’s a clear sign that it’s one of the most trusted cybersecurity brands.

How to request a refund?

To initiate a refund F-Secure, don’t hesitate to get in touch with F-Secure Support. Suppose you are not satisfied with your F- Secure renewal or new purchase. The easiest way to get your money back is to contact the seller or our customer service team. F- Secure Customer Service can only refund orders made directly through our website. You can able to get the F- Secure refund request. F- Secure 30-day money-back guarantee only applies to purchases made directly through the website. When you purchase F- Secure through the Google Play Store, you must contact Google Play for a refund, and you are only eligible for a refund.

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